Contemporary townhouses for sale in Sunbury

Interactive Map
How to use this map

Click anywhere on the map to give it focus. You can then move the map by dragging with your cursor (or finger on mobile).
You can zoom in to the map to see more details (such as lots for sale), and zoom out of the map to see more of the masterplan location and surroundings.
You can zoom using the controls provided in the lower right hand corner of the map:

Alternatively if you are using the map on desktop, once the map has focus you can zoom in and out by scrolling your mouse or trackpad.
On mobile you can zoom in and out by using the pinch/expand gestures supported by your device once the map has focus.
On mobile you can also zoom in by double-tapping on the map.
You can use the target control (also in the lower right-hand corner) to reset the zoom of the map to a default zoom level that shows the whole masterplan again.

At any time you can refresh the page to get back to your initial starting view of the map.

These large oval markers are a way to quickly navigate to active areas of the masterplan.
Click on any of these 'pills' and the map will zoom in to the area of interest.
Typically these will be the current stage releases of the masterplan, but can also take you to focus areas such as special offers, or particular property types.
You are still free, after that zoom, to move the map however you choose in order to look at other properties for sale.

Once you're zoomed into the masterplan, you'll see all of the available lots currently active on the estate.
The lot number is in the centre of the lot, accompanied by the area of the lot.
The dimensions of the lot and any easements are marked around the edges of each lot.
All measurements are given in m2 for area, and metres for lengths.
Each lot has a circular coloured marker that represents the current sales status of that lot.
The map key in the lower left-hand corner of the map will tell you what those statuses are for the masterplan you're investigating.

Whenever you see a larger lot marker with a house icon on it, then the marker is interactive.
Clicking on the marker will bring up a popup that shows you a summary of the details of the lot, and which provides a link to a product details page that will show the lot information as well as useful links to documents relating to that lot that you can download.

For more help on map popups, see our 'Popups' section of this guide, available on the left-hand icon menu of this page.
Property Searching
There are two linked elements on search pages to help you find properties of interest; the map and the table - these elements are linked and interact with one another to help you navigate the available land for sale efficiently.

Example of a search page view with multiple properties.
The table always displays the data for the available land products that are visible in the map.
If you zoom right out so that the whole masterplan is in view, then the table will display all of the available stock for this estate.
As you zoom in to particular areas, and as you move the map around to look at stages of interest, the table automatically adjusts to show the data for the lots you're currently looking at:

Example of a search page when looking at particular properties.
The table also interacts directly with the map. Selecting a row in the table has the same effect as clicking on the interactive marker - the map will focus on the lot you have selected, and will show the details popup for that lot:

Click on a row of the table to focus on the selected lot and display the details popup.

The arrows (highlighted) at the right-hand end of each table row are links that perform the same function as the 'View Details' link on the popup. Clicking on these links will open the product details page for the selected property in a new window.
The table also supports data sorting. If you're looking at a cluster of properties and want to browse them, for example, by price, then simply click on the Price column header:

Each time you click on a column header it will cycle through the default sort order (by lot number), lowest-to-highest value, and then highest-to-lowest. All columns support sorting by clicking the column header.
Different Property-Type Searches
We've seen searches being performed so far on the Land for Sale search page of a website.
This view will contain all of the property types that are available on a given estate; land for sale, house and land packages, townhomes and turnkey homes (lots with a specific exclusive builder package available on them).
On the Land for Sale page you can quickly filter the different property types by using the filters that are always available in the top left-hand corner of the map. For more details on using these filters, see the section of this help guide that walks you through them - available from the left-hand icon menu on this page.
Many sites will offer specific search pages for the different property types, this section describes the differences you will see when using those specialised search pages.
We'll use a House and Land (packages) search page as an example:

Example of using a House and Land search page.
You'll see immediately that the available active properties have been pre-filtered, so that now only lots that have packages on them are being displayed on the masterplan.
You can also see that the data table interacting with the map has different data columns to the Land for Sale search table.
Here, the data displayed is a summary that's relevant to the property-type.
Each package is listed individually so you can compare prices and appointments such as bathrooms, bedrooms etc.
Lot numbers will appear more than once, because there may be multiple different packages from different builders offered on the same lot.
The interaction between the map and the table is still present, but now if you select a row in the table the map will set focus to that lot, and then display a popup showing the details of that specific package:

You can still browse through other packages on the lot using the navigation chevrons (for more details on this see the popups section of this guide, available from the icon menu on the left of this page)
As before the arrows (highlighted) at the end of a data row are links that take you to the more detailed product page for this particular package:

You can also sort data in the table by clicking any of the column headers, in order to quickly refine your searching by looking for packages from particular builders, or by ordering available packages by price:

clicking the header will cycle through the available sort orders of; default (lot number), lowest to highest (or alphabetical), and lowest to highest (or reverse alphabetical).
Using the map filters
Every map has a set of filters available on it, these are in the top left-hand corner of the map.

The number of filters available on any map will depend on the products available on the estate.
For example if the masterplan only offers land products for sale then the filter for property-type will not be present as there are no packages or townhomes to filter.
Each filter works the same way, clicking on the filter will open a small popup that describes what aspect of the map data the filter acts on, and offers a set of choices for you to filter that data by:

You can also have multiple filters open at the same time:

Filters can be closed at any time by clicking on the map.
Clicking on any of the items in the centre list of the filter popup will filter the data on the map to show only the properties that are part of that filter category:

Example of a map where the property-type filter has not been applied.
Selecting a category within the filter will then make the map display only those properties that are in the chosen category:

Same map where property-type filter has been applied.
Remember that because the map and the data-table are linked interactively, this also means that the rows in the data-table are now also only the properties that have been filtered.
You can clear a filter either by clicking on the selected category again, or reset all category filters by clicking on the 'Clear' button at the bottom of the filter popup.
If you close active filters (by clicking anywhere on the map), they will display a small numerical indicator (highlighted) that shows the number of lots that meet the current filter selections, and which acts as a reminder that there are active filters being applied to the map data.

Whenever you see an interactive marker on the masterplan, clicking it will bring up a popup that gives you access to more information about that property.
Interactive markers are larger and contain a house icon, like this:

All popups can be closed either by clicking/tapping on any other part of the map, or by clicking/tapping the close (x) button in the top right-hand corner.
Clicking on an interactive marker will mean that the map displays one of two styles of popup:

This popup style is what you will see if the lot you are interested in (the interactive marker you have clicked) is available as a land-only offering.
In this case you will see a summary of all of the important details about the lot; release it's part of, current sales status, price, sizes, orientation etc.
The 'View Details' link will open the product page for this lot in a separate web page for you to look at in more detail (described below).
The second type of popup you will often see looks like this:

When the popup has navigation chevrons (highlighted), it means that there are further products such as house-and-land packages, townhomes or special features available for that lot.
Clicking on the navigation chevrons will take you through the set of available products for that lot:

In this example the chosen lot has two packages available, clicking on the chevrons allows you to navigate between them.
As for the lot popup, the key details of the package are summarised, and a link is provided to take you to a product page that describes the package more fully, and which provides access to downloadable documents about that package.
For more help on product pages, see our 'Product Pages' section of this guide, available on the left-hand icon menu of this page.
Product Pages
Product Pages
These are the pages opened for you when you click on a 'View Details' link on a map popup, or when you click on the arrow link at the far right-hand side of a data-table row.
These pages contain all of the details about the particular property you are interested in, as well as useful download links for documents relating to that property.
The key information summary, product images, document downloads, inclusions (for packages), and the location map for the lot or package will be found in the top half of the page:

Example critical information summaries for a lot and a house-and-land package.
The location map is another instance of the interactive map, so you can zoom out or move around within it in order to see the wider context of your chosen lot. The difference from the other search maps is that this map only has the marker for the property you've chosen on it.
In the lower half of product pages, you'll find recommendations for other properties or products to look at based on the characteristics of the current lot you're looking at:

Example recommendations on a product page.
Here, for example, we can see packages that are available on the chosen lot, as well as other lots that broadly match the features of the current lot.
This means less time having to go back to the main map if you've found properties that meet your needs - simply follow the 'View Details' links from the page you're on.
Location & Amenities
Location or Estate Vision pages will often contain another version of the interactive map, one designed to show the wider context of the estate.
These maps still display the masterplan, and all of the available stages and products, but are typically set to a greater initial zoom level so that you can see the estate within its local context - how it relates to transport networks, the shops, schools, and other nearby amenities.

Example of a location/amenities map.
The amenity category selector in the top right-hand corner (highlighted) of the map allows you to toggle the display of markers showing the different points of interest:

Example of hiding/showing different types of amenity.
The amenity markers are interactive, just like lot markers on the masterplan, clicking them will display a popup showing the name and address of the amenity, giving a brief description and showing the distance of the amenity from the masterplan location as well as an indication of the travel time (by car) from the amenity to the masterplan location.

Example of an amenity popup.
There are currently no House and Land packages available. Please get in contact with our friendly team for more information.